Another windy but beautiful day woke us on Sunday as we made plans with “Morning Glory” to go into town for church.

They were kind enough to take their big boat, making it a drier ride than if we had taken our dinghies. We arrived at the Baptist church, just before 11:00 with plenty of time to choose our seats. At 2:00 service finally wrapped up and we walked out having experienced a church service like never before.
Service started somewhat like any other we’ve attended, singing worship songs and a welcome from the pastor. Then began the “praise and worship” part of the service in which two congregants came up on stage and belted out hymns to a beat and volume that nearly split our ears. Passionately singing and shouting to the Lord, these ladies didn’t drop their voices a decibel for the next 45 minutes.
Just when we thought service might let out, another preacher took the stage. With a voice that made the previous singers seem like church mice, he ranted and raved about reconciliation for another hour. Every time the preacher would reach a crescendo, signaled by his pointing Heavenward, the drummer would beat the bass drum to drive it further home
Then, while the preacher reached tears, the drummer would rat-ta-ta-tat on the symbols making it sound like rain was falling in the sanctuary. Exiting the stage, the preacher passed off the mic and service ended as benign as it started. Though not a church we’ll attend again, we commend the Bahamians for such passionate and vocal worship.
Stomachs growled as we walked back toward the dinghy dock and the smells from Denny’s Snack Shack were too overpowering to resist. The four of us ordered hamburgers and Grouper sandwiches and sat down eagerly awaiting our warm meals. We forgot to account for the Bahama’s restaurant style and about an hour later our food arrived.
It was 4:00 by the time we made it back to Kaleo so we hung out on board, cooked an early dinner and like evening past, headed to bed early.